Then its more understandable that death is more of an obstacle to such god-like individuals. It makes death meaningless and that is just a big no-go for me until they're closer to lvl 15+. That said in my campaign I don't want players to revive others constantly just, because they got the funds and the spells. However, even with party funds, he doesn't even get close to 300g.
No one else in the party wants to aid this relative stranger, but the cleric does. My cleric just learned revivify at lvl3 and immediately wants to use it on a druid. What kind of role do you want death to play in your world. That said the question is more of how you, as DM, want reviving spells to work in your campaign. Even if its just a display piece since most people can't afford it in that area. Then a small village could still have a diamond or two somewhere.
If you have a big, generation old, merchant family running the General Store. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures